
Upon completing Step Two pupils:

  • know and can describe the textures of different materials – rough, smooth, bumpy, sharp, soft, hard, shiny, dull.
  • know how to use familiar tools and show care when doing so with some support.
  • know the changes they can make to materials.
  • know that they can repeat an activity using the same techniques.
  • know how to look at their work and the work of others with interest.
  • know learnt techniques and can apply them to a new piece of work.
  • can explore materials through tearing, scrunching, rolling etc to create a collage.
  • can show an interest in a range of materials and make choices.
  • can collect and choose materials for their work.
  • can use a range of papers and begin to experiment with the techniques of tearing, ripping, scrunching etc.
  • can use glue to stick materials together.
  • can use paint on a variety of different surfaces and textures.

Upon completing Step Three pupils:

  • know how to use tools accurately from a demonstration, with some support.
  • know about materials and can make clear choices applying vocabulary to describe texture and materials.
  • know how to select the tools and materials needed for an activity.
  • know of the need for care when using tools.
  • know how to look at and comment on the work of other artists including peers.
  • know how to look at their work from different angles and are beginning to suggest some ways in which they can change/adapt/improve their work.
  • know how to apply paint to a range of objects within their work and give reasons for their choice of colour.
  • can watch an adult demonstrate how to use equipment eg different scissors to create an effect.
  • can communicate an idea through their work – discuss an experience e.g. visit/walk to the beach and select colours and shapes to describe what they saw and how they felt.
  • can make choices of materials and tools prior to commencing an activity demonstrating planning and intent.
  • can use familiar objects such as buttons and feathers in a creative way to represent features in their work.

Upon completing Step Four pupils:

  • know and can collect the pictures of objects or scenes that interest them.
  • know and can use an increasing range of vocabulary to discuss their own work.
  • know about collage work from different cultures and are becoming familiar with the different features/materials seen in work from different cultures.
  • know an increasingly complex vocabulary/symbols to describe the textures they are exploring.
  • can extend the range of materials to enhance and give greater detail to their work.
  • can create their own textured materials using paint and mixing with other objects such as sand, rice.
  • can look at a range of work and observe differences in them.

Upon completing Step Five pupils:

  • know how to ask questions relating to the task to support the designing and planning stage.
  • know how to identify clear differences between two pieces of work.
  • know how to create textured backgrounds to their work.
  • can collaborate with peers to create a collection of resources to support the work.
  • can create a collection of images and patterns in their sketchbook to support their design.
  • can review their own work and that of their peers and other artists.
  • can make shapes from malleable materials to create 3D work.

Upon completing Step Six pupils:

  • know how to use a viewfinder to focus on a specific area.
  • know how to use a camera to record different layouts and make an informed choice about which of them they prefer and why.
  • know about different ways of fixing materials.
  • know when they have completed their work and are satisfied with it.
  •  know how to communicate how they achieved a specific effect. 
  • know how to use tools safely and how to handle tools and materials with care.
  • can make sketches of ideas with some guidance.
  • can discuss their work as it progresses and identify a way in which it could be improved.
  • can share their work and ideas and explain what they have changed.
  • can experiment by trying a different way of presenting materials and layouts.
  • can compare their work with that of their peers and observe similarities and differences.

Upon completing Stage One pupils:

  • know how to discuss their work as it progresses and identify ways in which it could be improved.
  • know how to look for specific types of materials to complete their work rather than choose from a given range.
  • know how to use tools safely and how to handle tools and materials with care.
  • know, and can explore, different ways of fixing materials.
  • know when they have completed their work and are satisfied with it.
  • know about the work of other great artists and can observe similarities and differences between their work and theirs.
  • can make sketches of ideas.
  • can experiment with different ways of presenting materials and layouts.
  • can communicate how they achieved a specific effect. 

Upon completing Stage Two pupils:

  • know the focal point in a piece of work.
  • know how different colours create a specific mood.
  • can explore a range of ideas and resources before deciding on a specific design.
  • know about the textures and materials used to create collage and can group them according to similar features.
  • know about the importance of famous works of art and how they affect people.
  • can begin to draw out their design before commencing work.
  • can work with a partner to create a joint piece of work.
  • can make modifications as the work develops.
  • can explore ways in which their work can be displayed and the effect that light has on the work.
  •  can discuss how they would adapt their work if they were to repeat it on a much greater scale.
  •  can consider other people’s opinions of their work and who might find it interesting.
  •  can select from a range, a piece of work of which they are most proud and give reasons for this.
  •  can use a colour wheel when making choices.

Upon completing Stage Three pupils:

  • know appropriate art terminology.
  • know how art can convey mood and meaning.
  • know about scale, detail and quality of finish.
  • know how different aspects of design can convey meaning.
  • know how to identify period, genre and style.
  • know how to manipulate materials, surfaces and tools.
  • know how signs and symbols are used to convey messages.
  • can experiment with drawing and design techniques.
  • can produce expressive designs.
  • can improve their studies for a purpose or in response to a brief.
  • can select artwork to be manipulated and developed.
  • can annotate their ideas.
  • can use success criteria to support self-assessment.
  • can evaluate their own and others artwork
  • can thoughtfully select materials and tools.
  • can respond to others artwork when making.
  • can use their sketchbook to develop their ideas.

Upon completing Stage Four pupils:

  • know how art can convey mood and meaning.
  • know appropriate art terminology.
  • know how to use tools with increasing accuracy. 
  • know how to choose the most appropriate tools, equipment and materials for their plan. 
  • know how different aspects of design can convey meaning.
  • know how to identify period, genre and style.
  • know how to manipulate materials, surfaces and tools.
  • know how signs and symbols are used to convey messages.
  • can experiment with drawing and design techniques.
  • can produce expressive designs.
  • can improve their studies for a purpose or in response to a brief.
  • can select artwork to be manipulated and developed.
  • can annotate their ideas.
  • can develop a plan that reflects the views and needs of others.
  • can plan by thinking ahead about the order of their work.
  • can include labelled drawings and models in their designs.
  • can choose the most appropriate techniques for their plan.
  • can use success criteria to support self-assessment.
  • can evaluate their own and others artwork.
  • can evaluate their work as it progresses and make improvements.
  • can reflect on their completed work and say where changes have led to improvements. 
  • can thoughtfully select materials and tools.
  • can use their sketchbook to develop their ideas.
  • can independently manage their own work station.
  • can explore scale, detail and quality of finish.