Maths - Shape, Space and Measure

Upon completing Step Two pupils:

  • can build or stack at least two objects.
  •  can explore objects with marked difference in overall size.
  •  can place objects in containers and take them out.
  •  can explore the properties of everyday objects in terms of their shape.
  •  can explore objects with marked difference in overall size.
  •  can copy sequences of related actions.
  •  can experience working with an adult to explore the shape of a range of objects.
  •  can work with an adult carrying out activities and performing actions quickly and slowly and starting and stopping abruptly.
  •  can work with an adult to explore the length of a range of objects.
  •  can work with an adult filling and emptying a variety of containers with a range of materials.
  •  can work with an adult lifting a range of materials / objects with clear contrast in weight.
  •  can post items according to their shape by trial and error.
  •  can explore items with a marked difference in length.
  •  can combine objects to make simple constructions.
  •  can experience 3D shapes in practical situations.
  •  can select big and little objects on request.
  •  can search for and find objects in their usual place or when they are moved out of sight.
  •  can experience 2D shapes in practical situations.
  •  can select appropriate sized objects for familiar tasks.
  •  can distinguish between two objects of vastly different sizes.
  •  can carry out activities according to simple time vocabulary – fast, slow, stop, wait – with adult support.
  •  can explore filling and emptying a variety of containers with a range of materials.
  •  can demonstrate early understanding of volume when there is a clear contrast.
  •  can demonstrate early understanding of weight.
  •  can explore a range of objects / materials with clear contrast in weight.

Upon completing Step Three pupils:

  • know familiar words to describe the size of objects  - eg big and small.
  •  know familiar words, signs and symbols to describe position.
  •  know the vocabulary before, after, next, last.
  •  know vocabulary to control events in time ie go, stop, wait.
  •  know vocabulary to describe speed ie fast, quick, slow.
  •  know and can use time vocabulary to indicate time of day ie lunch time, home time, bed time.
  •  can select an object that is the ‘same size’.
  • can manipulate 3D shapes.
  •  can select the bigger and smaller of two objects.
  •  are beginning to respond to instructions containing directional and movement words – forwards, backwards.
  •  are beginning to respond to instructions containing directional and movement words – sideways.
  •  are beginning to order objects of differing sizes.
  •  are beginning to respond to instructions containing directional and movement words up and down.
  •  are beginning to order objects of differing lengths.
  •  are beginning to order objects of differing heights.
  •  can select items, pictures and photos relating to specific times of the day.
  •  can explore making weight heavier / lighter and listen to the adult modelling vocabulary.
  •  can respond to vocabulary to describe speed ie fast, quick, slow.
  •  can respond to simple time vocabulary to indicate time of day ie lunch time, home time, bed time.
  •  can explore making volumes / capacities more / less and full / empty and attend to adult modelling vocabulary.
  •  can carry out activities for a length of time measured by standard / non-standard measures.
  •  can respond to vocabulary to control events in time ie go, stop, wait.
  •  can compare, with support, two different weights using balance scales.
  •  can select heavy / light, full / empty.
  •  can select items of approximately the same weight.
  •  can select items of approximately the same volume.
  •  can respond to instructions containing positional language – in, on, over, under.
  •  can respond to instructions containing directional and movement words – forwards, backwards.
  • can respond to instructions containing positional language – inside, outside, top, bottom.
  •  can respond to instructions containing directional and movement words – up, down, sideways.
  •  can respond to instructions containing positional language – in front of, behind, next to.
  •  can make an object bigger, smaller, longer, shorter.
  •  can with adult prompts, begin to explore the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
  •  can experience, with adult support, using standard / non-standard units of volume.
  •  can compare contrasting weights and describe as heavy / light / same as.
  •  can compare contrasting volumes and describe as full / empty / same as.

Upon completing Step Four pupils:

  • know time-related vocabulary ie today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon.
  •  can begin to describe the properties of shapes eg flat, curved, solid.
  •  can begin to identify shapes in the environment.
  •  can copy and draw the faces of 3D shapes.
  •  can use common vocabulary ie too big, too small, fits.
  •  can copy and draw simple 2D shapes.
  •  are beginning to use non-standard units to measure length and height.
  •  can communicate which object is the tallest / shortest.
  •  can communicate which of two objects are longest / shortest, biggest/smallest.
  •  are beginning to use non-standard units to measure time.
  •  can use, with adult support, a range of apparatus to measure weight.
  •  can begin to match specific times to specific events.

Upon completing Step Five pupils:

  • know vocabulary ‘in’ to describe position.
  •  know simple time vocabulary eg play time, dinner time, home time.
  •  know the basic properties of a shape.
  •  know the terms on top of and in front of.
  •  know the terms on, behind, in between and in the middle.
  •  can build using 3D shapes.
  •   can count the corners, sides and faces of everyday objects.
  •  can identify simple 2D shapes in the environment.
  •  can identify and describe 3D shape in the environment.
  •   can compare two everyday objects by size ie using vocabulary bigger / smaller / the same size.
  •  can compare length of two objects ie uses vocabulary longer / shorter / the same length.
  •  can compare height of two objects ie uses vocabulary taller / shorter / the same height.
  •  can begin to order objects by size using direct comparison.
  •  can begin to order objects by length using direct comparison.
  •  can begin to order objects by height using direct comparison.
  •  can begin to sequence photos / pictures in time order.
  •   can compare the capacity of two containers using vocabulary of volume – more, less, the same.
  •  can use vocabulary ‘on’ to describe position.
  •  can use the term top to describe the position of an object.
  •  can use the term bottom to describe the position of an object.
  •  can use vocabulary ‘under’ to describe position.
  •  can use the term side to describe the position of an object.

Upon completing Step Six pupils:

  •  know some of the days of the week.
  •  know what day it was yesterday and what day it will be tomorrow.
  •  know some of the months of the year.
  •  know vocabulary between, in front of, in the middle, next to, to describe position.
  •  know the terms full, empty and holds.
  •  know and can name common 2D and 3D shapes and use everyday and mathematical language to describe their properties.
  •  know the seasons of the year.
  •  can compare weight of two objects using the term lighter.
  •  can compare weight of two objects using the term the same as
  •  can recognise and follow directional symbols such as arrows.
  •  can compare weight of two objects using the term heavier.
  •  can begin to order objects by weight using direct comparison.
  •  can make special patterns using shapes eg red cube, blue cylinder, red cube.
  •  can carry out, with adult support, activities for a measured length of time.
  •  can apply what they know about direction in PE and other practical situations.
  •  can investigate 3D shapes and describe their properties eg which can roll and which can be stacked.
  •  can find 2D and 3D shapes in different environments.
  •  can order objects by size.               
  •  can investigate how much different containers hold.
  •  can relate times of the day to events like lunch time and home time.

Upon completing Stage One pupils:

  • know the value of different coins and notes.
  •  know and can use language relating to dates: days/ weeks/ days of the week.
  •  know and can use language relating to dates: months/years/ months of the year.
  •  know and can recognise common 2D shapes: circle/square/  rectangle/triangle/ hexagon.
  •  know and can recognise common 3D shapes: cubes/cuboids/ pyramids/spheres/ cylinders.
  •  can compare two lengths or heights and say which is longer or higher.
  •  can compare the weight/ mass of two objects and say which has the greatest weight/mass.
  •  can compare the capacity/volume of two containers and say which has the greatest capacity/volume.
  •  can compare different times and say which is the longest.
  •  can describe the length/height of an object.
  •  can describe the weight/mass of an object.
  •  can describe the capacity/volume of a container.
  •  can describe different lengths of time.
  •  can solve problems involving measurement of length/height.
  •  can solve problems involving measurement of weight/mass.
  •  can solve problems involving measurement of capacity/volume.
  •  can solve problems involving measurement of time.
  •  can measure and record length/height.
  •  can measure and record weight/mass.
  •  can measure and record capacity/volume.
  •  can measure and record time.
  •  can recognise different coins and notes.
  •  can put events in chronological order.
  •  can tell the time to the hour and draw the hands on a clock to show these times.
  •  can tell the time to half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock to show these times.
  •  can describe position, direction and movement.
  •  can describe position, direction and movement including quarter, half and three quarter turns.

Upon completing Stage Two pupils:

  • know the symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p) and combine amounts to make a particular value.
  •  know the mathematical language to describe position, direction and movements including: movement in a straight line / rotation as a turn or right angles / ½ and ¾ turns.
  •  know the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day.
  •  know the terms: vertices / edges / faces / symmetry.
  •  know and can describe the properties of 2D shapes including sides and line symmetry in a vertical line.
  •  know and can describe the properties of 3D shapes including the number of edges, vertices and faces.
  •  know and can identify 2D shapes on the surface of 3D shapes.
  •  can choose and use the appropriate standard unit of measurement to estimate and measure: length/height (m/cm).
  •  can choose and use the appropriate standard unit of measurement to estimate and measure: mass (kg/g).
  •  can choose and use the appropriate standard unit of measurement to estimate and measure: temperature ( ◦C).
  •  can choose and use the appropriate standard unit of measurement to estimate and measure: capacity (litres/ml).
  •  can use a ruler to measure length/height to the nearest appropriate unit.
  •  can use a thermometer to measure temperature to the nearest appropriate unit.
  •  can use a scales to measure mass to the nearest appropriate unit.
  •  can use a measuring vessels to measure capacity to the nearest appropriate unit.
  •  can compare lengths and record the results using >, < and =.
  •  can compare mass and record the results using  >, < and =.
  •  can compare volume/capacity and record the results using >, < and =.
  •  can order lengths and record the results using >, < and =.
  •  can order mass and record the results using >, < and =.
  •  can order volume/capacity and record the results using >, < and =.
  •  can find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money.               
  •  can solve simple problems using addition and subtraction of money of the same unit including giving change.
  •  can compare and sequence intervals of time.
  •  can tell, write and draw the time to five minutes including quarter past and to the hour.
  •  can order and arrange combinations of mathematical objects in patterns and sequences.
  •  can compare and sort common 2D and 3D shapes and everyday objects.

Upon completing Stage Three pupils:

  • know that angles are a description of turn.
  •  know that angles are a property of shape.
  •  know that two right angles make a half turn.
  •  know that 3 right angles make three quarters of a turn.
  •  know that 4 right angles make a complete turn.
  •  know roman numerals from I to XII for time.
  •  can draw, recognise and describe 2-D shapes.
  •  can make 3-D shapes using modelling materials.
  •  can recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations and describe them.
  •  can measure the perimeter of 2-D shapes.
  •  can identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle. 
  •  can identify horizontal and vertical lines.
  •  can identify pairs of parallel and perpendicular lines.
  •  can compare durations of events.
  •  can tell and write the time for 12hr and 24hr clock.
  •  can tell and write the time from an analogue clock.
  •  can estimate and read time to the nearest minute.
  •  can record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours.
  •  can use vocabulary such as: o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight.
  •  can know the number of seconds in a minute, days in each month, year and leap year.
  •  can interpret and present data using bar charts.
  •  can interpret and produce data using pictograms.
  •  can interpret and produce data using tables.
  •  can measure and compare lengths, mass, volume and capacity.
  •  can solve one-step questions using information presented in scaled bar charts, pictograms and tables.
  •  can solve two-step questions using information presented in scaled bar charts, pictograms and tables.
  •  can solve positive scaling integer problems and problems in which m objects are connected to n objects.

Upon completing Stage Four pupils:

  • know, can compare and classify 2D shapes including triangles.
  •  can convert between units of measure
  •  can measure and calculate perimeter and area of regular rectilinear shapes.
  •  can estimate, measure and calculate (time, capacity, length, mass).
  •  can read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks.
  •  can solve problems involving conversion of units of time.
  •  can identify, compare and order angles by size.
  •  can recognise lines of symmetry and complete simple symmetrical figures.
  •  can read, write and use coordinates in the first quadrant.
  •  can translate simple shapes in the first quadrant.

Upon completing Stage Five pupils:

  • know common imperial units to measure volume and capacity.
  • know standard units for measuring area.
  • know common imperial units such as inches.
  • know angles are measured in degrees: estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles.
  • can convert between units of measure and use approximate imperial equivalents.
  •  can calculate perimeter and area.
  •  can estimate volume and capacity.
  •  can solve problems with all 4 operations involving different measures, scaling and decimal notation.
  •  can identify 3D shapes from 2D representations.
  •  can estimate, compare, draw and measure angles to the nearest degree.
  •  can recognise angles in relation to whole and fractions of whole turns. (a quarter, three quarters etc.).
  •  can use reasoning to derive unknown information (missing lengths and angles) to solve problems involving 2D shapes.
  •  can solve problems involving the translation and reflection of shapes.

Upon completing Stage Six pupils:

  • can solve problems using ratio using multiplication and division facts.
  •  can solve problems involving proportion, using knowledge of fractions and multiples.
  •  can solve problems involving similar shapes where the scale factor is known or can be found.
  •  can solve problems using all units.
  •  can use, read, write, convert and calculate using all four operations using all units up to 3 decimals points.
  •  can estimate, calculate and compare volume and capacity using formulae.
  •  can calculate, compare and estimate the perimeters and areas of complex shapes.
  •  can draw 2D/3D shapes accurately.
  •  understand and apply the properties of circles.
  •  can use the properties of angles to solve problems.
  •  can use all four quadrants  - co-ordinates.