Upon completing Step Two pupils:

  • know how to stop / start / stay still on command.
  •  know familiar pieces of equipment.
  •  know the concept of big / small ball.
  •  know the language of co-operation – stop / start / wait / etc.
  •  can copy throwing/rolling/kicking actions using hands / feet - standing /sitting.
  •  can pass a ball / beanbag to a partner (sitting).
  •  can roll, throw, kick a ball in the direction of target.
  •  can take part in warm up activities.
  •  can follow simple instructions.
  •  can take turns with a partner or in a small group.
  •  can recognise and collect familiar pieces of equipment.
  •  can follow a pathway round the hall – walking, jumping, hopping.
  •  can explore and develop body / spatial awareness.
  •  can experience / explore moving from place to place – with support.
  •  can experience moving in different directions with support.
  •  can experience moving using different body parts.
  •  can pass a ball / beanbag to a partner.

Upon completing Step Three pupils:

  • know small and large apparatus.
  •  know of the changes that happen to their body when they exercise.
  •  know and collect familiar pieces of equipment.
  •  can work in pairs or small groups cooperatively.
  •  can copy throwing / rolling / kicking actions using hands / feet - standing / sitting.
  •  can stop / start / stay still on command.
  •  can roll, throw, kick a ball in direction of a target with greater accuracy.
  •  can wait patiently for their turn.
  •  are developing  dressing / undressing skills.
  •  are developing an awareness of space.
  •  can explore / experience movement in a large open space.
  •  can share equipment and wait their turn.
  •  can roll, throw, kick a ball in the direction of target and notice their improvement.
  •  can work in pairs or in a small group.
  •  can explore movement using different body parts – with / without support.
  •  can travel on different body parts.
  •  can use big / small movements
  •  can use fast / slow movements.
  •  can develop and practice movements with stopping / starting, body parts.

Upon completing Step Four pupils:

  • know and can follow simple game rules with some support.
  •  know how to keep score in a simple game with some support.
  •  know some of the changes that occur when I exercise.
  •  know different ways of travelling on different body parts.
  •  can practise sending using hands / feet / using a range of equipment.
  •  can hit a large target with some consistency.
  •  can send and receive a ball / object to and from their partner.
  •  can comment on their own work and begin to suggest improvements.
  •  can follow simple instructions.
  •  can show ways of moving backwards / forwards / sideways on instruction.
  •  can explore small apparatus and find different ways of moving over, under, along, forwards, backwards, sideways.
  •  can recognise good work  - applaud, cheer, verbal.

Upon completing Step Five pupils:

  • know how their body feels when they participate in a physical activity.
  •  know and can use different throwing techniques (i.e. over, distance, near with some accuracy).
  •  know the vocabulary to describe what they have done.
  •  are confident in trying new activities.
  •  can work within a defined space inside or outside.
  •  can watch, copy and describe what  and others have done.
  •  can combine run / jump for a long jump activity.
  •  can jump - up / height, forward / distance.
  •  can explore gymnastic actions and shapes.
  •  can move confidently and safely in their own and general space, using changes of speed, levels and   direction.
  •  can copy or create link movement phases with beginnings, middle and ends.
  •  can perform movement phases using a range of body actions / body parts.
  •  can hit a large target with some consistency.
  •  can say what they liked about their performance.
  •  can travel with a ball.
  •  can practise sending using hands / feet and using a range of equipment.
  •  can perform the basic skills needed for the net games.

Upon completing Step Six pupils:

  • know how to carry and place apparatus.
  •  know and can use different throwing techniques using a range of equipment i.e soft javelin, small and big balls.
  •  can describe how their body feels when they participate in a physical activity i.e hot, aching, out of breath.
  •  can listen to the rules of games before a lesson.
  •  can look at a video/photo of myself performing and describe what they see.
  •  can copy or create link movement phases demonstrating an awareness of performance.
  •  can play games using a racket, getting their body into good positions.
  •  can perform some gymnastics shapes with stretched toes.
  •  can observe the teacher carefully and copy the warm up and cool down movements.
  •  can communicate to their team mates in team games by calling their name before they pass.
  •  can record measurements simply.
  •  can explore movement phrases to different styles of music.
  •  can travel with a ball around different cones.
  •  can begin to combine different jumps.
  •  watch their teacher and peers modelling and demonstrating different skills.

Upon completing Stage One pupils:

  • know how to exercise safely.
  •  know simple tactics.
  •  know the health benefits of physical activity.
  •  know why warming up and cooling down are important.
  •  know how their body feels when still and when exercising.
  •  can show body awareness, tension and control when performing simple skills and actions.
  •  are beginning to evaluate their own work by describing their own and others actions and suggesting improvements.
  •  can measure using standard / non-standard measure – distance and speed.
  •  can set up challenges for myself / others to beat.
  •  can use all 5 basic jumps (2 feet to 2 feet / 2 feet to 1 foot / 1 foot to 2 feet / 1 foot to opposite foot / hop).
  •  can run with increased control and technique.
  •  can throw with increased accuracy at a target.
  •  can develop the range and consistency of their skills, especially in specific net games.
  •  can vary the speed and direction of the shuttlecock.
  •  can hit a ball that is fed accurately.
  •  can keep a rally going using a small range of shots.
  •  can choose and use a range of simple tactics and strategies.
  •  can keep, adapt and make rules for net games.
  •  can begin to evaluate their own work by describing their own and others actions.
  •  can perform the basic skills needed for the invasion games with control and consistency.
  •  can keep, adapt and make rules for invasion games.
  •  are able to hold a ball accurately.
  •  can pass a ball accurately and effectively.
  •  can travel with a ball effectively and at speed.
  •  can demonstrate an understanding of how to exercise safely.

Upon completing Stage Two pupils:

  •  know and communicate why physical activity is essential for health and well-being.
  •  know the health benefits of physical activity.
  •  know how physical activity affects their health.
  •  can take responsibility for their own safety.
  •  can select the appropriate style of throwing for the task.
  •  can use tactics to make it harder for an opponent / assist a partner.
  •  can evaluate their own work by describing their own and others actions.
  •  can use efficient technique to perform jumps.
  •  can develop a variety of techniques to throw for distance.
  •  can use efficient and effective techniques when running short distances.
  •  can discuss how exercise makes them feel.
  •  can choose good places to stand when receiving, and give reasons for their choice.
  •  are developing a range of consistency in skills.
  •  are comfortable with the feel and weight of the racket and able to hold the racket using the correct grip.
  •  can recognise how the flight of the shuttle is different to that of a ball and to be able to contact the shuttle with the face of the racket.
  •  can use the rules and keep games going without disputes.
  •  can use and adapt rules, tactics and strategies, using their knowledge of basic principles of attack and defence.
  •  can develop their agility.
  •  can develop their balance.
  •  can develop their coordination.
  •  can beat a defender consistently.
  •  are developing overarm bowling accuracy.
  •  are developing close catching as well as deep field catching.
  •  can demonstrate good balance when stopping and starting.

Upon completing Stage Three pupils:

  • can repeat and explore simple skills and actions.
  •  can show body awareness, tension and control when performing simple skills and actions
  •  can remember and repeat short phrases and actions showing control, coordination and spatial awareness
  •  can perform movements in isolation or in combination.
  •  can explore and use tactics and compositional ideas to overcome simple problems and challenges
  •  can work as a team player.
  •  can show effective attack skills.
  •  have played one or two competitive sports.
  •  can perform demonstrating honesty and self-belief.
  •  can talk about differences between their work and the work of others
  •  can suggest ways of improving a skill or action using correct vocabulary.
  •  can identify activities their enjoy.
  • can exercise safely.
  •  can describe how their body feels when they do physical activity.
  •  can take part in a level 1 competition
  •  can identify extra-curricular clubs they would be interested in attending.

Upon completing Stage Four pupils:

  • know effective defensive skills.
  •  know and use simple tactics in activities.
  •  know and use simple compositional ideas.
  •  can demonstrate and develop flexibility and strength in gymnastics.
  •  can show confidence, interest and persistence when learning skills.
  •  can show coordination and control when performing a range of skills and actions.
  •  have played two or three competitive sports.
  •  can perform demonstrating teamwork and determination.
  •  can use and combine skills and actions for a range of different activities.
  •  can see and describe how their work is similar to and different from, that of others.
  •  can use feedback to improve their performance.
  •  can identify activities they enjoy.
  •  can prepare a simple warm up and cool down activity.
  •  can explain why physical activity is good for health.
  •  can take part in physical activity alone and in groups safely.
  •  can take part in a level 1 competition
  •  can take part in a level 2 competition

Upon completing Stage Five pupils:

  • know how to stay safe in the water.
  •  know techniques for success.
  •  know safety principles when preparing for and recovering from physical activity.
  • can develop the range of skills, tactics, strategies and compositional ideas needed to meet different challenges.
  •  can demonstrate strength, stamina, suppleness and speed in familiar situations.
  •  can display appropriate physical and mental capabilities in planning and leading simple practices and activities.
  •  can choose and link appropriate skills, techniques and ideas, showing precision and control.
  •  can show some individuality in ideas and performances.
  •  can participate in 3 or 4 competitive sports.
  •  can demonstrate stamina and resilience in the course of a match or tournament.
  •  can critique performance of self or team and suggest ways to improve.
  •  can compare and comment on skills, techniques and ideas and suggest alternative solutions to problems or difficulties.
  •  can demonstrate and describe how exercise affects the body.
  •  can ensure regular and safe physical activity promotes their own health and well-being.

Upon completing Stage Six pupils:

  • can swim 25m
  •  can lead a simple warm up activity.
  •  can swim a range of strokes.
  •  can demonstrate and develop control and balance.
  •  can select and use a range of actions, skills and techniques, combining them appropriately in different activities.
  •  can demonstrate strength, stamina, suppleness and speed in challenging situations.
  •  can use a range of creative and imaginative approaches to solve problems and achieve effective outcomes.
  •  can employ a range of tactics, strategies and compositional ideas in less familiar activities.
  •  can demonstrate a sense of strategy in team sports to help secure success.
  •  can participate in different sports – team, and individual.
  •  can perform demonstrating honesty, self-belief, teamwork, respect, passion and determination.
  •  can succeed in some elements of outdoor activity.
  •  can analyse their own and others' performances accurately, using appropriate vocabulary to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  •  can show understanding of how  might improve their work as a result of feedback and evaluations.
  •  can make a plan for self-improvement.
  •  can attend an extra-curricular club for a term showing willingness and enthusiasm to engage in new activities.
  •  can draw on experience and knowledge to ensure myself and others engage safely in activities.
  •  can prepare independently for exercise and physical activity