Being Independent

Upon completing the first award, White, pupils:

  • are learning to eat their food slowly.
  •  are learning to drink from a cup.
  •  are learning to pull their trousers up and down using verbal prompts.
  •  are learning to take off / put shoes on with help.
  •  are learning to find their communication book.
  •  are learning to identify their own coat.

Upon completing the second award, Red, pupils:

  • can sit on the toilet for the count of 10.
  •  can undress appropriately for a task e.g. swimming.
  •  can use tools with support, e.g. to eat with a spoon and not use their fingers.
  •  know how to use symbols, noises or signs to make others aware that they want something.
  •  can independently put their coat on a peg and bring their bag to an adult.
  •  can help with social tasks within the classroom e.g. handing out snacks.

Upon completing the third award, Orange, pupils:

  •  are beginning to be able to make independent choices.
  •  can attempt to wipe their own nose or mouth when given a tissue or flannel.
  •  can engage in a parallel activity with several others.
  •  can sit on the toilet when asked.
  •  can collect their own possessions when prompted.
  •  can play independently for up to 10 minutes.

Upon completing the fourth award, Yellow, pupils:

  • can use the toilet with only a few accidents.
  •  can sit at the table appropriately when eating.
  •  can use some cutlery when eating.
  •  can dress and undress with decreasing support.
  •  know where their possessions are kept e.g. book bag, coat.
  •  can wash and dry their hands independently.

Upon completing the fifth award, Green, pupils:

  • are beginning to organise myself in the toilet with adult supervision.
  •  are beginning to organise and use their own cutlery at lunch time.
  •  can accept being directed to tasks.
  •  can begin to modify their behaviour when asked to make the right choice.
  •  can put rubbish in the appropriate place.
  •  can concentrate on a work task for up to 15 minutes without an adult.

Upon completing the sixth award, Blue, pupils:

  • can make choices between non-tangibles (e.g. park or shop).
  •  can make requests.
  •  can identify and locate some resources required for a specific activity.
  •  can concentrate on a work task for up to 20 minutes.
  •  are beginning to take messages to the office.
  •  are beginning to answer the class telephone.

Upon completing the seventh award, Indigo, pupils:

  • can suggest and choose equipment for a task.
  •  can identify their own belongings.
  •  can use cutlery appropriately. 
  •  can work on a task independently for up to 30 minutes.
  •  know to wear their coat if it is raining.
  •  can put their own equipment away at the end of a task.

Upon completing the eighth award, Violet, pupils:

  •  can get the equipment they need for a task.
  •  can choose what to eat for lunch.
  •  can pack their bag ready for home.
  •  can express their own ideas and opinions.
  •  can identify people who can help me if they feel ill or have an accident.
  •  can select and close down software appropriately.

Upon completing the ninth award, Bronze, pupils:

  • can take care of their possessions.
  •  can work independently to complete a task.
  •  can understand and follow the school rules.
  •  can think about and access the materials necessary to complete a task.
  •  can identify and wear appropriate clothing.
  •  can identify and solve a problem for myself.

Upon completing the tenth award, Silver, pupils:

  • can carry out jobs with confidence and independence.
  •  are able to react appropriately in simple situations (e.g. picking something up when it has been knocked over).
  •  can remember to flush the toilet without being prompted.
  •  can remember to automatically wash their hands after going to the toilet.
  •  can dress / undress independently. 
  •  are able to take care of their own appearance.

Upon completing the eleventh award, Gold, pupils:

  • can offer to volunteer to carry out jobs.
  •  can organise a new exercise routine when given new equipment.
  •  can respond appropriately to new situations. 
  •  can follow the same rules both at school and at home.
  •  understand how our bodies change and know what to do to stay clean and healthy.
  •  can organise their own school equipment (e.g. remember swimming kit, home school book etc.).